Saturday, July 21, 2007

7 Reasons Why I Heart Me

It's my BIRTHDAY present to ME!!! Emporer Kuzco

It's "The Final Countdown" to my birthday. Okay I suck at life, it's been like a week but in my defense I've been busy reading Harry Potter (I'm done now) and getting ready for girls camp...

So my final two reasons why I heart me are as follows. This will make up for the weeks worth of nothing to read when I am at girls camp.

Reason #2 I have the best sisters in the world!!!!
Let's start at the beginning.

Emily is the best older sister ever. Once we got through the hating each other and trying to kill each other stage (imagine the brothers on "Just Friends" Chris and Mike Brander when they are holding each other down trying to spit in each others mouths. Emily and I kind of were like that. When we saw that movie together we almost died laughing. They equals us. Watch it and you will understand our earlier relationship.) Now that we are older we are much more mature. We only try to kill each other 10% of the time and the rest of the time we get along quite beautifully. She is the best for helping me when I'm sad because usually she has the same concerns and I know I'm not alone. She is also the BEST movie popcorn maker EVER! She does the butter perfectly while I stealthily put the salt shaker into my purse. (I don't steal it, we leave it in the movie theater but what good is the salt shaker out by the concessions stand?!? Now you know who to blame next time you can't find a salt shaker at AMC.) Emily and have spent many a summer going to every movie that comes out. Whether they are amazing movies like the night we saw Hero or crappy double features when first we saw The New Kid at the dollar and then Men in Black II at AMC which wasn't quite as fulfilling. Or when we watched the whole season of firefly feeling like HUGE nerds and then went and saw Serenity opening night and L-O-V-E-D it!! It changed our life. She helps me out when I do idiotic things and she is the best library book picker since my mom. Emily you rock it. You complete me.

Amanda is the best next older sister ever. We've had our scuffles over me using her perfume consistently when we were younger and stealing her clothes and staining them etc but we've worked through those times and now I heart her. She rocks for helping me with every craft I swear to someone in my ward I can pull off when I really can't. She helped me with the best Halloween costume ever. My witch hat was HOT. Not to mention the countless times she's helped me with scrap book projects, making headbands, making dinners, doing photos, making school projects etc. She is Martha Stewart. She reads her magazines cover to cover and I love it! Because then she passes her great ideas onto me. She is also the best sister ever because any time I can't figure something out I just call her and tell her about it. As I talk I usually figure it out. She doesn't even have to offer her ideas (but when she does they are BRILLIANT! and solve all my problems) but usually she just listens while I talk and figure out the problem just by talking it out. I don't know what I would do without her! She is the best example of a mom with kids who take two naps a day and go to bed by eight, that prefer broccoli over pasta or chicken, and who has her kids always dolled up and looking so so so so CUTE! She really is amazing and I love her more and more each day! p.s. Amanda I decided we should have a photo shoot of just us girls. It would be really fun and I only have one picture of us together and I look hideous .

Did I mention how hot your kids are? and how much I love them? I like Delia's scowl in this picture. She is intently trying to figure out if she is going to blow out the candles too.

Julia rocks it because she is the nicest girl in the world (when she wants to be haha). I have always admired her willingness to be so sweet to Annie, to take her out with her friends, to pick out cute outfits so Annie rocks it and to be patient with her. Julia is the most amazing clothes outfit picker ever. Since she was like 12 she's been picking out my outfits for me. She has passed on her talent to Emily now. I'm jealous of her. She also is the most amazingly creative kid. She always helps with my scrapbook projects slash putting together my house slash putting together anything I have. She is so good at CTRing. She is one of those kids who actually read along with the seminary scriptures you were supposed to. Julia is my favorite person to shop with and my favorite person to ride around in the car running errands and talking to. She tells me all her stories about her friends so I think I know them all like my best friends and we analyze her boy mysteries. She can pick the best food to get. She introduced me to the chicken Baja chalupa which is the best item on the taco bell menu. And if any of you know Julia as well as I do she is HILARIOUS! She makes me laugh so hard sometimes. Randomly some days she just is amazing and says the funniest things. I love her so much and look up to her so much even though she is younger than me!

My chin takes up the bottom third of the picture. I'm hot.
Finally there is miss Annie Bo Nannie. Annie is my favorite sister J/K I love them all but Julia says we are best friends. I have the best job in the world because all I do is hang out with her! It doesn't get much better than that!!! I go through serious withdrawls if I don't see Annie for more than two days. She is hilarious! (see Julia and Emily's post about her best phrases) and she is the most excited person you can go to a movie with. She practically jumps up and down in her seat. Annie always runs errands with me and while me CD player isn't working she makes me sing That thing you do and we rock out to it. She is the funnest person in the world to dance to songs with in the car. Annie is my favorite person to watch the Disney Channel with. She got me addicted to Hannah Montana and the Suite Life of Zach and Cody. It's probably a good thing that I don't get those channels at home because I would watch those shows too much. Annie is so good at giving hugs and always knows when you need one. I heart Annie!

Finally the #1 reason I heart me is because I have a fantastic husband.
I apologize in advance for husband worship.

So for my birthday, Darling Devin, with the help of my surrogate husband Darson who also does amazing things for me, made me a CD of Devin covering all of my favorite Beatles songs. I'm kind of in love with it, like a lot in love. He wisely didn't tell Julia about the surprise because she would have give in away, cough digital camera cough, but it was a fantastic surprise. Here is him holding the CD.

But maybe after he gave it to me because he had been working on it for like 2 months at Darson's house and I constantly complained about how he was never home and how he like his friends better than me. But alas, he told me how he had worked on it forever and I forgave him (haha when really he should have forgiven me for being a b). Anyways, his friends Darson also made me a fabulous suprise. He bought me a coffee table and painted and sanded it. It is HOT! and it totally matches my family room. Observe.

I really really love it. It is kind of amazing that somehow I get to have two husbands (sort of) that are both willing to take the shirt off their back for you. But I repay him through feeding him dinner from time to time. It doesn't even measure up. One day I'll have to do a post about him.

Back to Devin, I really don't think I could have gotten any luckier. He puts up with my ridiculousness and is extremely patient. He hasn't ever yelled once in the almost two years I've known him. He is amazing at everything he does and the only time we fight is over points in scrabble because he gets super competitive and can't stand me to beat him (even though I'm better) Actually I'm not but a girl can pretend. He pretends like my cooking is good and helps me with all the insane projects I come up with. I love going out to eat with him and going to the movies (he always lets me pick). But I think my favorite thing to do is just chill at home watching a movie or a t.v. series. I love watching t.v. series with devin! We have watched all of arrested development and house and the simpsons and friends. Well not all of the last two but a lot. my favorite thing was last semester when we never saw each other. He would finally get home around 9 or 9:30 and we would watch scrubs or the wonder years and eat popcorn or dinner. He is my favorite. He puts up with my flower addiction and tells me how pretty they are and tries to guess which ones are new when I get new ones. He even waters them sometimes when I am extra tired. (which is a big deal because we have to hand water them, no hose. ) He also serves at my beck at call whenever I am overstressed and have taken on too much to do. He lets me have my young women over all the time and he isn't jealous of the guy friends I still talk too. He lets me have the better car and is learning to like to go on long car ride vacations. He loves my mom and Daniel and I am so glad he got to know them! And he understands that I will cry at the drop of my mom's name, at mother daughter activities and at anything mentioned that has to do with something my mom loved. He takes over and talks to people when they talk about her and I'm not in the mood and he can tell when I am uncomfortable and want the subject changed. Pretty much I couldn't have gotten a better husband. I heart him the mostest.


MeL said...

You are really cute. I like you and your really cute life.
Sisters and husbands are my favorites. Way to make me tear up at 4:33 in the afternoon!

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

ahhh sentimental! i feel loved. i really like my broken out face in that picture. nice choice. thanks. i guess it makes up for the picture on ours. -Judy

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Most funniest Julia moment ever: Laura and Devin asked Julia the first three things she would buy with 3 billion dollars and she said a slave. Loves it.

Erica said...

Love your family! And your husband sounds pretty much amazing. And I like him even more because you said he laughed at my blog.

And hell yes we need to discuss HP, right now I'm only on page 225 because I had to finish Full Moon before I could start. But I'll definitely be done by Shark Week Kick-Off.

Todd and Andrea said...

Are you absolutely the best writer ever? You make me want to reflect on my best loves in my family. YOU ARE DEFINITELY ON MY TEAM! Thanks for all you do for Morgan!

Unknown said...

CUTE!!! i want a husband like that someday. he seems like such a nice guy! hope you had a great birthday!