Wednesday, July 11, 2007

7 Reasons Why I Heart Me

It's my BIRTHDAY present to ME!!! Emporer Kuzco

It's "The Final Countdown" to my birthday. Only two more days...

Reason #4 That I Love Me:

I lose everything I touch. I really don't think people understand quite why I'm stressed out all the time. It's because I have the memory of a gold fish. I walk in a room and forget what I'm doing. I put down my keys walk across the room and can't find them again. Yes my house is messy from time to time but really am I kidding? Half the time my phone is on silent because I just came home from school, I lose it and then can't call it to find it because it makes no noise. Once I found my silent phone in the trash next to the computer. I almost threw it away! Anyways if you ever see me frantic its probably because I'm looking for my phone, wallet, keys, brain etc.

This phone is the 17th one I've owned.

This key set is the 62nd pair.

When I bought my new sidekick I left it on top of my car 5 days after I bought it and drove off at a gas station never to be seen again. It would be an accident if I hadn't done it a week before with my old phone. In that case I put my phone on top of my car at my friends house and drove off, then realized it was missing and tried to find it in the road. Once again to was on silent so we couldn't call it to find it. And it was 11 at night and really dark. Lets just say those kids don't want to be my friend anymore.

Last semester at school when I locked my keys in my car and had to have my friend bring me the spare was pretty awesome too. It wouldn't have seemed so bad if I hadn't done it the week before at fiesta mall three hours before Dev and I were leaving for San Diego. The friend that brought me the keys saw me at the mall this time and offered to get me keys but I couldn't find my spare. I had to go to the dealer and buy a new key. Then after buying the key the guy I bought the car from told me all I had to do was call my 24 hour roadside assistance and they would have come and unlocked it for me essentially saving me 4 hours of wasted time.

My life gives me stress.
I equals amazing.


Sara! said...

I am so glad that I'm not the only one who has to *search* for my brain on a regular basis. Because of years of arguing because I do loose everything, Jason and I actually agree to leave my keys in my car whenever I'm home and sometimes accidentally when I'm not, but that way, I don't have to strain to remember where I could have possibly put them. It will be nice when you have a garage and can do the same. As for the phone, no ideas, I can't find mine either because it's on silent and now the battery is probably dead.

PS. Now I'll probably be on "It Takes a Thief."

Sara! said...

Sorry to comment again, but in reference to your comment, have you tried crisco sticks? Amazing! They're packaged like butter. I think that you need like GOJO (is that what that gritty orange stuff is called?) to get crisco off your hands, and if you forgot to take off you ring - screwed.

Kirk and Aly said...

I am always losing everything! I don't think that we've ever been on time to church because Sunday morning always comes and we can't find our keys, shoes, kids, or car. Also, I don't know how many sets of scriptures we've left on the top of the car and then drove off without. Yikes! Once I locked my keys in my car with Lizzie in it too, and had to have the fire department come and get her out. Talk about embarrassing!! Sorry to say, it doesn't get better with age. Dang!

Unknown said...

ha ha! that sounds like something my sister holly would do! she would always leave my mom's credit card on top of the gas tank when she was younger!

MeL said...

Wow, your life is amazing! I feel that my house is like that right now with everything being so out of order and whatnot. The other day I found a pair of G bottoms in our tool box. TMI, sorry, but you get the point. Totally a "How in the world...?" type situation like your phone in the trash. Good to be a Jones I suppose!

angiedunn said...

i'm exactly the same way. hence the reason i have started to read books again because i fear i am losing my mind. don't worry, it gets worse, and more scary when you are a parent. like the time {yesterday} i forgot to lock chloe in her carseat. {luckily i noticed before we got on a big busy road. i'm awesome. or like the time {yesterday} when my one year old daughter locked her 24 year old mother {me} out of the house. i'm awesome squared.

you are not alone, my friend.