Tuesday, July 10, 2007

7 Reasons Why I Heart Me

It's my BIRTHDAY present to ME!!! Emporer Kuzco

It's "The Final Countdown" to my birthday. Only three more days...

Reason #5 That I Love Me:

I have a slightly large obsession with Harry Potter. Here's a picture of my just woken up self in my Hogwarts shirt happy that today is the opening of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

But you can't see my shirt so here is the shirt...

Don't you worry I think it is the oldest shirt I have given that it is from sophomore year but I love it all the same. This shirt has history. I met Devin in this shirt and the first time Devin told me I was pretty was when we went to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

We also watched HP and the Goblet of Fire the night he proposed on DVD. So Harry Potter and me have lots of sentiment together. I am so excited for tonight! So anyone that wants to come play with us tonight we are having a party outside the riverview cinemark theater thats on Dobson and the 202. We are going to the 12:30 showing so come and eat cake with us while we wait in line! We're going over at like five.

*** Attention everyone***
I had to add to my post because I forgot my most traumatic experience with Harry Potter. Summer of 2005 when HP #6 came out Emily and I went to the Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory movie, then went to walmart to pick up our copy of the book. I figured I was going to savor the book every last minute I could and so I read a chapter that night and decided I was going to limit the amount I read each day so that I wouldn't read it too fast. Well I was hanging out with random people at the time and that next night Tony Reed, this guy and I were going to watch a movie at the guy's house.I'll spare you the details of his name...you'll see why later. I got tasty Popsicles and we went there and before we could even get to the movie we sat down and starting talking to the people there. As we sat down I saw that the guy's niece was reading book 6. So you're reading book six? I say. Cool. Yeah she says. Then the mom pipes up. Ya she's been reading it all day and you'll never guess "Blank" kills "Blank"! (I'll leave out the characters name in case someone hasn't read book six but if you haven't... READ the dang book already!) Anyways so she totally blurts out the ending to the book I've been anticipating for the last year and I started hyperventilating. I am not joking I was really trying to catch my breath. I go into the other room trying to act calm and start crying. I was SO DANG upset! Tony comes in and thinks I'm a freak because I'm crying over a book...but it might have been my the most traumatic literary experience I've ever had. I wasn't even that upset about who dies just the fact that the end of the book was ruined! Boo on people that ruin endings to books. That's all. So read book 7 quick when it comes out so you don't have the same thing happen!!!


Unknown said...

that is really funny/cute! i can't wait for harry potter either!!!

Erica said...

I am SO jealous for your party tonight. Zach and I were going to go to the midnight showing, but I have to get up early so we're having second thoughts.

Zach called me a few weeks ago and said this, "I just saw the order of the phoenix trailer, and I have chills."

We should organize an event for the release of The Deathly Hollows. You in?

Erica said...

Laura, in response to what you said on Melissa's blog: I was just yelling at Sam for not reading HP! He is lame.

MeL said...

We might be joining you tonight, Philip and I are still deciding. Also, I loved your crying over the ruined ending story, I in fact can't think of a better story besides the Harry Potter series itself! Oh yeah, and I also think you should have reposted the picture of your personal Harry Potter phase, because if that wasn't divine insight to your future obsession, I don't know what is.
Oh, and I always enjoyed that you were the ultimate and original HP fan. The end.

The Jones Fam said...

That is so Jones to cry over funny random things... I think we can thank Grandma Jones for that one- 2 thumbs up for emotional wrecks!


Kirk and Aly said...

I'm so sad for you having the book ending revealed too early! I totally would have cried too!! That's the meanest thing that anybody could ever do!! Why would they do that? Have fun tonight! I wish we could go and not have to worry about kids and babysitters and such! Tell us all about it!

angiedunn said...

i know how you feel...i had a similar expirience with the show 24.

have i mentioned how much i love this countdown?