Thursday, July 12, 2007

7 Reasons Why I Heart Me

It's my BIRTHDAY present to ME!!! Emporer Kuzco

It's "The Final Countdown" to my birthday. Only one more day...

Reason #3 That I Love Me:

I have another confession. I think dressing up in costumes might be the greatest thing in the world. I don't know why I love it so much. Probably because I am the child of Sandra B. Jones (the greatest woman ever) and our family counts down to Halloween rather than Christmas. Amanda thinks I'm weird but I think I am amazing for it. Good thing I married one Devin A. Fletcher who also has the same obsession. Therefore, his birthday party every year (in april) is a costume party. For some sad reason I don't have any pictures from these occasions. Last year he was a coweboy and I was a fly, this year he was Lloyd Dobler from Say Anything and I was Sydney Bristow from Alias. I wasn't anything nearly as cool but I'm pretty sure the reason he married me is becuase the first time we hung out was when I was dressed like this.

I hate you if you don't know who I am. Not because its that good of a costume but because my hair is half white half black. Anyways, we love Halloween at our house too but we've eased up on the makeup.

I also think I love it so much because every year in elementary school we were very strongly encouraged to do the talent show. Here is me in kindergarten, Amanda in fourth grade and Emily in sixth grade when we dressed as pirates and sang "Never Smile at a Crocodile". We make Johnny Depp look like a pansy.

So pretty much I'm already planning next year's costume for Devin's party and Halloween is already in the works. I heart costumes.


angiedunn said...

oh laura...i'm so glad you have such a passion for costumes because this post brought me such entertainment, as have all the posts in this series. as have all other posts on this blog, but anyhow. fabulous.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Happy happy birthday, Tina dear. Happy days will come to you all year. If I had one wish then it would be...a happy happy birthday to you from me.

p.s. Sorry I ate all the meat. Okay, not really.

MeL said...

The Cruella costume is truly amazing! Oh how I wish that I had the talent of finding awesome costumes and putting things together like you do! No wonder your family and the Neil Jones family live next door, it is to have better costume/halloween parties! Happy birthday by the way, sorry it's a day late, my internet decided to not work at all yesterday afternoon, and I was very very bitter and sad that you would get a belated birthday.

Unknown said...

you look like a really good cruella! i heart dressing up too! and i love sidney bristow! i want to see a picture of you dressed up as her!

Kirk and Aly said...

I love all your costumes! I love dressing up too! I think my love for it came when I worked at Jones' Cleaners and we would try on all the cool DI prom dresses. (Don't tell Reid) We should have a cousin costume party sometime, except you and Neil Jones' would totally rock us! By the way, Happy Happy Birthday!!

Sara! said...

I hope you had the happiest birthday and got to do fun things, not just responsible things. Please, please, finish your reasons, they have been so fun to read. (Did anyone actually question who you were as Cruella?) Lame.

Sara! said...

PS. Emily, please explain your pirate shoes. Do they have a hole in the toe and have aluminum foil for buckles? It's hard to tell. Amanda, nice tattoo on your leg. Laura, you being the youngest got gypped on real costumes that year. whaa. Luckily,you have the full clown with face paint picture to show that you didn't always get the last choice.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Sara, to answer your questions, my shoes are black leather Keds that were purchased at Mervyns. They pretty much were my shoe of choice back in the 80s. If you want some, I'm sure I could find some in the garage that are still hanging out. I even shoe-polished them myself.

thegreatestshowonearth said...

Yeah, you need to finish your countdown and it has been like a week since your last post- so you owe us!
PS. I love your blog!

Sara! said...

K, Emily just e-yelled at me, so I'm doing the same to you. Publish a freaking new post!