Thursday, August 2, 2007

new sign in book

Right now I'm working on one of my friend's sign in books. I'm learning from previous procrastination and starting three weeks early. I am ridiculously proud of myself for my non-procratinative early start. Anyways here is what I have so far. Feel free to comment/ tell me to change things that look lame/ tell me to throw out an entire page because it is lame/ add something to a page etc. Everything is on with glue dots so it is very removable if necessary.


Unknown said...

that is so stinkin cute!!!

Kirk and Aly said...

You are AMAZING!! This is why I don't scrapbook, nothing I ever make is nearly this cute, and then I just end up hating it all. What a nice friend you are to do this!

Kirk and Aly said...

BTW- I love, love, love your new blog design and layout! You must have mad computer skills to be able to do that! I'm impressed!