Tuesday, August 21, 2007

If only

Things's I wish I had slash knew how to do slash talents I wish I had...

1. A fantastically fast metabolism so I could eat anything I want. Curse any of you that do.

2. The ability to be organized see also Sara Palmer, Melissa Lindblom, and Angie Dixon. Very jealous of them.

3. The ability to draw/doodle/ have good handwriting/ sketch ridiculous people you see in classes

4. A better short term memory in the way of remembering where keys are, books, any small easily misplaced item.

5. A new climate to live in or just new skin for that matter. You could have seen me from ten miles away my face was so shiny at school.

6. Super smart genes so I could be done with college.

7. A new wardrobe. Mine is so... beige. Well actually it consists of a lot of black but I wasn't talking about color.

8. Consistency in anything.

9. Lots of new school supplies. New pens, favorite thing ever. New school supplies equal ecstasy. I totally get Meg Ryan's speech in you've got mail when she talks about bouquets of pencils and scotch tape.

10. To see Devin for more than an hour each day. I know we don't have it bad compared to some people but I am so excited for when we are both done with school and get to actually hang out from the months of august to may.

okay now that I'm done with that I know I am actually super blessed so here is this list.

Things I am grateful for.

1. A very nice husband who waits on me hand and foot and hasn't gotten sick of me yet.

2. My car. I love my car.

3. Eclipse. I think I am singular in this opinion but I am finally reading it and I'm half way through and I like it so much more than Harry Potter #7 and NewMoon. The ending of HP was so lame.

4. The cinnamon gum I bought this morning.

5. The new comf and pictures I bought at IKEA.

6. My church calling.

7. My friends who are fantastic and amazing. My dearest best girl friend Courtney Shobe has a surprise for me and Devin this weekend. She told us to clear our Friday night and Saturday schedules and I could not be more EXCITED!

8. Annie Jones and her smiling face.

9. The temple

10. New parking at ASU institute that will allow me to get through a semester ticket FREE!!!


MeL said...

Ooooh, I'm so flattered that you think that I am organized and that I am in the same category with the marvelous Angie! Way too nice of you, that's for dang sure.

And were you really not impressed with HP 7? I thought it was delightful! I suppose we will have to talk about it at our cousin party, which by the way, we need to again try to plan.

I also wish I could doodle/have cute handwriting/not depend solely on fonts to make things somewhat attractive. If I made a list of "If only"'s it would be at least a mile long. Boo for OCD that I try to pass off as talents. :(

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...
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Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

On the list of things you love number five to be exact i believe you used the word comf? yeah that's what i thought. -Judy the Jerk (yes i believe that name is appropriate for the above comment and that comment alone.)

Erica said...

I am so jealous of your ASU parking loop hole. I think I graduated with about 800 dollars worth of tickets. Stupid education.

Todd and Andrea said...

Yeah. Is there a better aroma than new pencils? And also the smell of new vinyl binders. Also the smell of a new book nobody has ever used before. Especially the ones with shiny pages. And about the cinnamon gum. Guess what. My new favorite candy is Red Hots. I buy them in bulk at Costco and eat the whole bag myself. Go ahead and judge. My self esteem can take it.

Todd and Andrea said...

Oh yeah. And also, I love the temple, too. It would be a dream to be able to take in a little bag of Red Hots to enjoy during the film, huh?

kemra said...

Ok, I stumbled onto your blog when I was looking at Kelly Brown's, and couldn't help from looking! It is so cute! Ok, so I totally agree with the whole Eclipse thing. Much better then New Moon (not as good as Twighlight though) and way better then Harry Potter! OK, hope you're doing well!

Kemra (Stradling) Nelson