Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tag from Mom Dixon

You know how you play that game for FHE, the memory game where you put a bunch of random items on the floor, look at them for a minute and then number a paper with the number of random items and try to remember what they were?

Well, let's play with the items in my purse. Blow up the picture, look at it for a minute and then try to name the items on a piece of paper and see how many you can get. There are 18 items if you don't count the duplicates.

Okay lets see how you did. The items from top left to bottom right are:

1. A bottle of orange OPI nail polish. You never know when you just might need to touch up your nails or get bored and need something to do so I have nail polish in my purse and my car.

2. My Kyrene ID badge. When I interned there last semester I always had to wear it. It hung from my rear view mirror but took it down and put it in my purse when I got my car washed the other day.

3. White Sunglasses. When Annie and I went to go and get her eyes checked at the doctor she had to get her eyes dilated. We went to the dollar store and got sunglasses afterwards. She loves to wear them everywhere.

4. Nail Clippers, more specifically bates brand. They are my moms and I don't know what it is about them but they are like super strength nail clippers. They are all rusted now but they still work magic. I just might get tetanus from using them. Eh its the price you pay.

5. Yellow Highlighter. A must have. I use it when I go over my YW lessons and the talks that go with them.

6. USB stick. For school.

7. Pink chapstick. Its aquafina brand chapstick. I love it. You can get it at wal-mart. It's like soft lips chapstick but way better flavors and it comes in a three pack.

8. Shower crayons. I was bringing them back from my dad's house. They are the funnest things to play with in the shower.

9. Black bracelet. It was in my car too when I cleaned it out.

10. Altoids. Annie's favorite mint. She is so easy to bribe with them and very willing to sit through adult stake conference with you if you have a box of them.

11. Film. I've been carrying around the 35mm Hannah Montana film for like 6 months. I just never go and turn it in. I really need to.

12. Pink Camera. Julia and I have the same one. This one is hers. She thought it was lost. It was in my car from the Disney land trip.

13. Quarter. I like change.

14. Pencil Container. I always have five billion pens rattling around in my purse so now I am a nerd and have the equivalent of the pocket protector for my purse.

15. Orange Chapstick. Aquafina brand again. Go buy some.

16. My wallet. I wish I had a cuter one. I'm so bored with mine.

17. Spearmint orbit gum. My favorite flavor is orange and cinnamon but I swear all they have anymore is like strawberry mojito and mint julep.

18. Weight Watchers point counter card. My friend wants me to start weight watchers together...I'm not so good at keeping to anything. I haven't yet used it. But I will. One of these days.

So, how'd you score?

I told Mom Dixon that more entertaining was when I looked in my purse the first time I saw this tag going around. I had a remote, miracle grow and sidewalk chalk. I was entertained.


Alisse Baldwin said...

Ok, shower chalk? You're hilarious.

And hasn't Julia's camera been missing, like, forever? And it was in your car the whole time? Totally something that would happen with me.

And yes- you are a nerd with your full-on pocket protector/pencil holder. I love it!

amanda p. said...

um yeah about the black bracelets... It seems you don't have an extreme love for those, but they are actually from Molo kai. I bought them for bubs and you PROMPTLY stole them :) No offense, but I think my dreams where I am poking you with sharp knives would end if I could stop having anger over the stolen bracelets. I guess I just love them because I have love for the place where they were bought from... even if it was a work trip. Thanks mucho.. I may confiscate them from you the next time I see you :)

Todd and Andrea said...

Where's your journal. You always have a journal.

Note: Orbit Sweet Mint is definitely the best flavor.