Monday, June 18, 2007

I really want to lose three pounds.

So I have given in to the gym.

I decided I am actually going to try and go. I went Saturday and this morning and now I am going tonight. Why you ask? Because this morning as I was dutifully trying to swim my new prescribed amount of a mile each day, old people were beating me and my self esteem couldn't take it. So I only swam 2/3rds of my mile and I'm going back tonight to finish. I'll have to tell you about "the lecture" that I heard later tonight. That's all for my blog update now. It's been like a week. Maybe I'll have pictures for you soon. My bro-in-law lee was so kind as to allow us to use one of his digital cameras so we don't have to rely on a camera phone for blog pictures. Oh and I started summer school today more about that to come.


MeL said...

Oh Laur, you are so so funny with your quote, I laughed and snorted a bit in doing so. Anyways, I'm so sorry to hear that you've given in and are doing athletic things. I hate it when we married girls come to a realization that just because our husbands have to love us and think we're hot, it doesn't mean that we feel attractive. Waah, I'm so sorry girlfriend. If it makes you feel any better, I think you look amazing, and can't even tell why you would want to loose three pounds, and you have really cute clothes and taste. And I like your face. Anyways, good luck with the gym. If you want to quit you can call me and eat pie for dinner like I did tonight...whoops. Love ya girl.

P.S. I recently remembered the night that we put that kick-A No Fear sticker on Rachel's Saturn. And then I laughed really hard to myself and wanted to call you.

angiedunn said...

um, i wanna lose three times ten pounds. does that make you feel better about your gym goals? I'm with Mel, you look need for the gym!

I love the picture/quote/lecture...hilarious!