Happy Halloween
As you can tell we here at the Fletcher/Jones house get overly excited for Halloween. As Amanda says, we haven't missed our mom so much as now that it is Halloween time a.k.a Sandra's fav. holiday. Maybe my halloween decorations have been up since September 15th. Yes I do realize that is longer than most people's christmas decorations stay up.
Devin also loves halloween and will be planning his costume for next year starting tomorrow. Hence why we have a costume party every year for his b-day in april. some people have christmas in July to tide them over until the holidays. we have halloween in april to get us through the year.
Here are this year's costumes.
I'm sporting Cruella Deville this year even though I have been her before because my Dad found me this fantastic new coat and we're poor. Feel free to rate us on how we did.
Laura Cruella
vs. real cruella

Devin is a perv. Okay not really but he really looks like one. He's Dick in a Box from the SNL sketch with Justin Timberlake. Obviously he is the hilarious one of us two. I think his costume came off rather well and it also cost zero dollars. yay us! (of course he did consider wearing this to the ward party. i told him it wasn't allowed.)
Devin and the box

Okay, so I don't hate Halloween, and I LOVE that you and your family love it as much as you do, and the Don't Hate title was basically directed right at you and your sisters! So I'm sorry if I upset you at all, and please don't send the spirit of your mom to hex me or anything!
And might I mention your costumes? I love that you are Cruella, and what's more is that I LOVE that your dad found you a new fur coat. THat made me laugh really really hard. And Devin's costume was very very clever, and I kind of can't wait to show Philip because I know that he will like DIE laughing! So congrats on a very successful Halloween on your part!
Scott has been saying he wanted to be that since like September. I told him he could dress up like Justin, but not with the "box." I am dying that Devin actually did dress up as that! I'm sending a link to your blog to Scott in an email as we speak.
i love you guys. straight up. i am really glad that you guys like me too, or at least pretend like you like me. you guys are just my flavor. not too much this. not too much that. you guys are you. despite beliefs or anything. you are you. and i love that about you guys. despite you guys being incredibly loving, hilariously funny, learned in your language, well rounded on a myriad of subjects, topics, and manners and wow look at that run on!!!! my favorite part about you guys is that depsite what anyone says you should be or despite what your religion say you be, you are you. and i love you guys so much. you guys support me. i know you will in whatever i choose to do. please, let's hang out a lot. you guys are married sure, but i wanna hang out with you guys as if i'm an extra husband, without the benefits (she's all yours dev). please, don't delete me from your phone which you'll probaly lose tomorrow. i'll still have your number and i'll call you everyday! you guys are amazing. and if she ever gets to be too much dev, just send her over here. i'm here, so is my ma. and my ma is a lot like sandra, so laura connects with her really well. at least i think she does. anyway. we're friends. and it's one of the reasons that life is worth living. at least in mesa. and even when i leave i'll have you guys in my heart.
quixote is so a word!!!!!!
and it's unproper like you wouldn't even believe
probably the best {civilian - not a professional actor, or something} cruella i've ever seen. you look perfect. i have no comment on your slightly naughty husband's get up.
okay a] darling new background/header in the last coupla days and b] black pots - lowe's - fall 2005.
I seriously love Fletcher Fishbowl. So so cute. I just love fish. And the Fletchers.
You are Cruella to a T. Perf. Love it!
Seriously, why didn't you come trick or treating at my house? I had the porch light off most of the night because I didn't want to deal with the dorks in lame costumes. But I TOTALLY would have opened the door for your. And maybe I would even have given you some candy!
P.S. I noticed you were wearing your sexilicious stockings!
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