road trip
So last weekend dev and annie and i went on a little three day road trip with devin's dad david to san jose. it consisted of two nights of no sleep, getting to know devin's dad a lot better because he was the only one that stayed awake with me, hanging out with the fletcher crew and ainge bunch, eating tasty breakfast, and chillin' out max and relaxin' all cool.
annie is elated because she called shot gun for the trip up and the two guys over six feet tall conceded and sat in the back.
devin trying to stay awake all night with his DP which actually resulted in him asleep about 5 hours later
ten points to anyone that can find me a license plate holder that says jones fletcher on it like this one.picture of devin and his two wives. devin is under strict instruction that when i die the only other person he can marry is annie.
we had tasty breakfast compliments of this very pleasant couple who are friends with devin's uncle. annie and i were very pleased with the food.
unfortunately this trip was strictly no smoking so my hands shaking got in the way of my camera...or at least i thought until i saw these pictures...
notice I am in the picture so it was not my hands shaking that made the picture shake. oh older gentleman was taking the picture who could have had a the hand shake is still a possibility in my camera's inability to function. I was hoping to rule out my hands and blame it on the camera.
the trip was really for the adults to get together and go to a oregan state football game vs stanford and so annie and i on our off time (i think devin slept 75% of the time we were on this trip) went to the park and had a photo shoot.
haha apparently we aren't quite up to amanda's standard yet.
but the trip was a success i didn't run us off the road and david got to see his family. annie and i hung out like the bffs we are and devin got some much needed sleep. the end.
attractive picture of you at breakfast with annie! I really really like your haircut :) I'm glad you wore the pants on the trip and drove and made the boys sit in the back! way to regulate. you better watch out though or you may get a nickname similar to mine "damanda". Like I'm demanding or something?!
Hello, you are not up to Amanda's standards because you are not half naked and in a frame. Just kidding, mand, we love you!!
p.s. Thank you for admitting to your smoking addiction. You can thank me for thinking it up. I=hilarious.
Yeah, I order my husband to sleep when we are on road trips. It works better that way b/c I drive twice as fast as he does, and when he's asleep, he can't get uptight. Road trips are the best. Lucky Annie for having you for a sister and Devin for a future husband!
i love you.
end of story.
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