A long hard look at the Fletcher weekend. (I was going to say Fletcher weeked at a glance but the post got too long.)
Now that the new weekend awaits I thought I ought to blog about last weekend.
Friday is a fairtastic day. Reidster, Bubs, Annie ,Devin and I planned on going to the state fair to do some serious eating, people watching, and demolition derby observing. Pretty much be as white trash as possible.
We learned ten important new things at the fair.
1. Everyone hearts orange chicken as much as we do
2. Goats=Fun
3. As Annie said, "Look that goat has a faux hawk." So goats have faux hawks
4. Satan sucks (these are the kind of cars at the demolition derby. This one was the most amazing by far)
5. Cotton candy is messy and Laura can eat a whole bag by herself. Now that's talent.
6. Devin and I look like a gay couple when we kiss. We were making fun of fair PDA when annie took this picture only to find out that we look like two boys kissing. Apparently my hair CAN be too short...who knew. (and devin looks funny when he fake kisses)
7. Devin stares down my shirt waaaayyy too often.
7 1/2. Bubs is ALWAYS TEXTING. Look at her in EVERY picture. Her phone is glued to her hand. We promise we like you, just put down the phone.
8-10. My family is really good at the ugly face game, but we already knew that. The blogging world on the other hand did not.
The demolition derby was very fairtastic. For those of you who don't know about these, they go like this. There are four heats where like 5-10 cars go out and try to run into each other. The last car still running wins.
First the contestants come out and they sing the national anthem. The contestants are really amazing. It's too bad I don't have a better camera.

Then they start the heats. The heats last like 7 minutes. The cars that can't move at the end of the heat get towed out and the people can try to make them run again during the other heats.

The finale is when all the cars come out and the all crash into each other until only one car is running. It's really classy.

Cautions: It gets really smoky and its kind of loud. But its always worth it because inevitably a car will catch on fire. Amazing huh?

I want to go to the fair with you guys! Our fair experience last year was awful! I need to go with the experts! I love the ugly face game, especially that Reid got into it too! You guys rock!
though i am no longer officially a student, i love learning new things and this post was definitely an education for me. you should be a professor of "demolition derby 101". truly amazing.
Hey what do you know - found cool cousin Laura from cool cousin Amanda's blog! Wacky!
there really is nothing better than cotton candy fingers.
lol to stephanies comment.
I've ALWAYS wanted to go to a demolition derby!!!!!! I had no idea that there was actually strategy and rules involved. My favorite was the Satan car. That car can just go to HE**!!!
Wonderful post! I needed a bit of mindless fair trash to entertain me.
I h8 you that you guys went to the fair without me. And I h8 you more that you took my funnyness. Die.
First: The picture of you and Devin made me throw up a little. How come Devin didn't enjoy it?
Second: Something is wrong with me because I gag on cotton candy. Not the taste ... the texture. Also on marshmallows.
Third: Demolition Derbies rock. Especially in little arenas like in Kamas, Utah, where when the cars crash, much debris flies into the stands. Ten points if you get hit by something sharp.
Fourth: Next year I'm going to the demolition derby at the fair with YOU.
And fifth: I learned more from your blog than I learned in my masters degree program this week. Will you be my teacher?
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