Saturday, May 19, 2007

Shoes so many shoes!

So in getting ready for our move next weekend and I'm cleaning out my closet, no mama I'm not sorry. Anyways, Ive found that I have way too many clothes that I don't wear any more which is shown by the now five bags that need to go to DI and that I have way too many shoes. Last count, 45. I've paired it down to 35 and I can't manage to part with anymore. I've found that I have six pairs of pink shoes but only three pink shirts. I think there is some imbalance and I can't seem to part with any of the six pairs. If any of you have any shoe organizing tips let me know because I'm at a loss and my shoes and Devin's combined makes 40.
It's our anniversary today (earlier part was written Thursday) and Devin isn't feeling well so I'm at home at 9:00 writing a new post. What pathetic lives we live. I'm thinking about getting chinese and settling in for a night of movie watching. Happy anniversary to me? Hahah oh well given the circumstances, can you ask for a better night then that?

1 comment:

Alisse Baldwin said...

Hey dude-

Yes, I've watching your every move {aka- your every post} for the past few days because I found you on Mel's list of blogs. I was just going to comment on your post and say that I want to know what day and time you are dropping off your clothes at DI so I can shop for them. Please?
Alisse (Sherwood)