Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm finally free! until the next time I get roped in...

So I just want you all to know that I am finally free of the ball and chain that is jones/vista cleaners! Monday was my last day that is until someone calls me to cover for them or someone quits and I get roped into it again. But in the meantime I am very excited. While I will miss Jones customers we all know and love such as Mr. Fausey, route customers, vista customers Wolff, J.(who always talked to me about harry potter), Minns, Z (who always tipped me) and my favorite customers Vicki Sherwood and Wilbur Woolf, I think I'm okay with the departure. I am no longer the permanent Jones news spokesman, pretend manager/owner, or go to gal for problems. I could not be more ecstatic!


Alisse Baldwin said...

Congrats! I'll have to show my Madre the shout out! :)

And, by the way- the title of the post sounds like you just got out of jail, which metaphorically speaking, may just be correct, and what you were trying to portray.

vicki said...

hey laura! I can't believe you are deserting me! I always love it when I see it is you working at Vista. I'll keep checking your blog to see how your life is. I am so glad that I for some reason felt bonded to you the first time I talked to you. Your whole family is the best!

MeL said...

I would like to say that I know the feeling, but since I only worked there for a short year as opposed to the... how old are you? almost 21 minus age 4 when you started...17 YEARS that you have worked there! I'm sorry that you will miss Wilbur Woolf, he was a favorite down at the JC as well, and your dad would always tell me that he wanted to hook him up with Grandma, yikes. But just think of all of the customers you WON'T miss, aka Neufeld? was that his name? The man that would bring in like 45 shirts at a time and all of them smelled like the definition of BO...I might have just gagged a bit thinking of that. Anyways, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm sure that when Alyson reads the news she too will be estatic for you, because she knows what it is like to work there as a slave for years and years and years...that's all.

Alisse Baldwin said...

OH WOW! You MUST be somethin' special because that is the first comment my Mama has EVER made on a blog! Yours beat her daughters- her own offspring. Are you fighting for the favorite spot? I think you just won it. :)

Kirk and Aly said...

Hey Laura! I'm so excited for you! You don't realize it now, but you will look back on your Jones Cleaners life with fond memories. I think I worked there just about as long as you did, more than half of my life, I'm sure. It's awesome, and I'm sure you'll find this too, but I am still recognized at random places as "the girl that used to help me at Jones Cleaners", to which I proudly answer "yes I am", but secretly think - lame-o who still remembers me, until I realize that I remember what kind of starch they liked on their shirts and that they always liked their pants with a crease down the center. Dang! Good for you! P.S. If you ever need anybody to fill in at Vista, I'm sure I could fill in, especially if Minns,Z would tip me too.

Unknown said...

I found your blog from my sister Alisse's, and after reading these comments I had to make one too. I was at Burlington Coat Factory probably like 3 months ago, and the girl working at the register looked so familiar. I could not stop wondering where I knew her from. Finally it hit me - Jones Cleaners! So I had to ask her if she used to work there. I'm one of those people that "kirk and aly" was talking about in their comment!