Monday, May 14, 2007

Damien Rice

Okay so we are playing catch up on the fun things we have done recently. May 2nd Devin, Emily and I went to Damien Rice in Tucson! It was an amazing show! We got a really late start going to Tucson and had extreme trouble finding the venue because map quest is the bane of my existence and always gives me bad directions but luckily we made it in time for his first song. Wow. The show was so good! He played all of my favorites including a new version of Volcano which changed because the girl singer is no longer with them...tear. And their cellist is my new hero due to the fact that Gretta Cohen quit cursive (that slut!). The only bad part was Damien's falsetto singing to replace Lisa Hannigan's parts and the 70's rock session during the middle of the show. Best part was the end when he sung Cheer's darling and acted out the song. He even had props! It doesn't get any better then that. I mean honestly can you ask more from a band then to incorporate props? It was fantastic!Not to mention the fact that I had already joked about him coming out in a viking hat with horns and a stuffed bra with cleavage to sing the opera part in Eskimo friends and then he came out props to cheer's darling! So anyways Emily and I spent way to much money on shirts that don't fit as well as we hoped and Devin did his best job to loudly speak inappropriate things because it was silent at the venue. I think the show changed my life. Definitely top five.

1 comment:

MeL said...

Ok, so I know that I just commented on your blog like two hours ago, which shows just how productive I am being at work today, but I am so jealous of you guys going to the show! Now I'm not nearly as cool as you guys since I don't know the names of the songs, I just know the numbers on his "O" album, but it sounded like it was amazing!