Monday, May 14, 2007

School's out!

Devin and I are done with school! We are happy to report that we both got good grades and life is less stressful. Now I don't have to write 8 pages of b.s every week while Devin wrote 8 pages the whole semester. Curse MCC! Lucky for me my ta do list is longer not shorter because we are moving, I have a sign in book to make by June 1st, and I spent my weekend making a baby album for a friend and babysitting Amanda's kids instead of doing what I was supposed to do. I'll be honest it was a lot more fun then organizing my house but I really shouldn't procrastinate so much. Devin went to father's and son's this weekend with his younger brother and now has inside jokes with any and every boy thirteen and younger in the ward. He's such a kid! He now refers to Anthony Grunninger as Antoine and Anthony calls him Fletcher. At least he has friends his own age too!


angiedunn said...

so, i'm pretty much so excited that you, my friends, have a blog. um, 'cause you are such a cute/fun couple, and 'cause i like to stalk blogs...well, a little too much. {how's that for creepy?} hooray for no school! sorry i didn't have a chance to say hi @ TJH, yos. i felt rude, but whatchya gonna do? have a rockin' afternoon!

Sara! said...

Congrats to the two of you being smart! I hope for sanity's sake that you aren't doing summer school and can just do whatever. So, where are you moving to? I think I read on a comment to someone else that you might be getting a two bedroom place, but I don't remember for sure if that was you or some random stranger in blog world that I stumbled upon and committed their life to my memory. We need to do something Jonesy.

Sara! said...

Oh, Happy Anniversary! I still loved the lanterns at your reception.

The Jones Fam said...

I'm blog stalking you! I even added your blog to my "blog-o-mania" section of my blog. Consider yourself E-harrassed.