Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Return of the Phone

Sorry for those of you who have been annoyed with me for the past two weeks when I didn't answer my phone. Maybe its because I accidentally left it in California when we went...

Laura's hidden talent:
I'm REALLY REALLY good at loosing my phone.

Example 1. Leaving my phone in California at the hotel. The very nice man who stayed in room after us found it and called everyone in my contact list to find someone who could tell me that he was going to leave it at the front desk. Finally got a hold of my Young Women's president while we were on Mt. Graham (random) for girls camp and she told me where I could pick it up. I called the hotel when I got home and they said they never got a phone turned in.

So Question. Why would a man go to HUGE effort to call everyone on my phone list only to forget to turn it in?
Answer options.
a. he is a jerk and wanted to get my hopes up
b. a worker at the hotel stole my phone

I'm thinking b.

In conclusion...RIP Samsung replacement phone

Example 2. The reason I was using this samsung phone was as a replacement for my razor that I had been using for the past two years. I had a sidekick two and thought I was sick of it so I got a razor. I hated that phone with a passion. T9 texting is stupid. I wanted the QWERTY keypad again but had to wait two years for my contract to expire. See also I was too cheap to buy another phone at full price.

While using the magenta razor I left it multiple places including by the pool rafts at Wal-Mart. After driving away I decided not to go back and get it because I was lazy and sick of the phone anyway but Devin was with me and said I was ridiculous or something like that and that I couldn't give up on life. Eventually the phone broke and the screen wouldn't light up anymore so I would have to guess if the phone was on, press a speed dial number to call someone, and hold it up to my ear in hopes that it was going to ring. It was awesome.

RIP Magenta Razor

Example 3. The worst of my examples is with my old sidekick 2. I got it and was so so so excited for the phone. It pretty much didn't leave my hand. (Yes I'm a nerd.) But I could use it to email which meant that on my friend's p-days on his mission when he would send emails we would send email back and forth like text messages so we could kinda talk to each other (Ya, ya I shouldn't have, but that's not the point). Anyway exactly a week after getting the phone I got gas on the way to work. Got to work and realized I had no phone. Went out to my car and called my phone with a friends cell and couldn't hear it. Then realized that I had left the phone on top of my car and driven away. This wouldn't have been as bad if I hadn't done it exactly a week before with my old phone which is why I had to get my new phone in the first place. Luckily I had insurance but I still had to pay another 100 dollars to get a replacement.

RIP Sidekick 2

Enter new phone.

My family has bets on how long it will be until I lose it. Hopefully I won't ever lose it, but given my track record... well I wouldn't give myself very high odds.


granny said...

I have a theory that women lose their phones more often because we don't have ginormous pockets in our jeans to put them in and it is not socially acceptable for us to wear them clipped onto our (probably nonexistent) belt, so we have to put them in a purse or loose somewhere...and that = lots of stress keeping track. Not to mention that is why we also don't always have it charged...we don't take it off the belt and put it directly onto the charger when we go to sleep because, of course, it is in our purse which is almost never located near the charger. This is also why we sometimes might not answer said phone. But I don't really have an opinion about this... BTW, good luck with the beautiful new phoner.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

I give it one month. And hours of mercilessly making fun of you for losing it so fast. Bwahahaha.

Lindsey said...

Yeah, good luck with that... If you're anything like the way I am about phones then you should probably invest in some Samsung stock. I also do this trick where I drop it and then I kick it... Usually into a pool or a hard wall.

Anonymous said...

that sucks. landon lost his phone in cali too. maybe we should all boycot phones... and california.
i quit UoP.

JoDee said...

Oh so sad ... and I didn't even know there were so many cool phones out there. Brandon just barely splurged and got some upgraded fancy schmancy phone that does more than dial numbers ... maybe it will be my turn next month!