Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bubs's swim meet

Judy's swim meet was last thursday. This consists in an excuse for all of us girls in the family to go to Sonic, get tasty drinks and then sweat the amount of 64 oz. while watching bubs swim fantastically (except for when she misses her event. Ooopsies!) So it was pretty much a scorcher last thursday and we were dying in the heat until Delia broke her stroller and was no longer restrained from jumping in the actual pool so we went to go play on the playground in this amazing mess of sprinkler extrodinairiness thing..y. Anyways Delia and Eden loved it.

Delia tried to follow Eden under a sprinkler that was shooting out really hard. Eden ducked but Delia didn't quite duck fast enough which resulted in her getting shot in the side of the face and so she tried to quickly turn around which resulted in her getting shot in the other side of her face with the sprinkler. It was hilarious and made her hair look funny and her face very startled.

I love this child.

This is Eden pre getting into the water.
She doesn't look like she quite knows how she feels about it...

but then she got used to it.
Eden is making a daniel pose in this one.

I really wanted to get soaked and go back into the swim meet looking like a drowned rat after playing with the girls but amanda would have none of it. Dang her and her social propriety.

But yay for amanda and her adorable girls. They make my camera happy.
(Hence the ridiculous amount of pictures of them)


Alisse Baldwin said...

Sigh. I'm jealous of hott older sissies with hott children. Sigh again.

Lol to Delia being blasted with the H2O. And lol to Eden's "daniel pose." I didn't know Daniel, but still cute/funny nonetheless.

Kirk and Aly said...

I love the picture of Eden with her hand on her hip! She's so hot! Especially for a 3/4 year old! Boo to AZ for being so freakishly hot!

MeL said...

Lol to the drowned rat comment...something I know a little too much about. Thank you freakish sprinklers for providing this much appreciated photo op, and thank you Laura for documenting it for us all!

amanda p. said...

so when the heck is my almost 4 year old going to loose her belly. I know this is the only time in life that it is acceptable and not as gross looking as mine, but honestly her shirts are never long enough due to roundness they have to cover! come on kid grow up!

hilary and morgan said...

i will go and get soaking wet with you and we can both walk around looking like drowned rats. it would be an honor my love. a true honor...

angiedunn said...

i love delia in the last picture. pure wet joy. you reid-jonesers have got it going on.