Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I thought I was done with junior high and low self-esteem

Remember how awkward Junior High was? and how especially cruel it was that if you grew up in Mesa, AZ you had to deal with 3 years of junior high becuase you go to high school when you are a sophmore rather than a freshman?
Well I get to relive that Every. Single. Day.

The students I teach have no filters. That means they think it, they say it.
As their teacher, I get the lovely end of those non-filtered comments.
I bring to you my new segment: I thought I was done with Junior High and low self-esteem.

Part One

Yesterday I got to my first hour. I am up in the front talking about the journal question of the day. Students are sharing their answers to the question. One student raises his hand. I call on him expecting that he will share his journal response. Instead I get this:
Mrs. Fletcher, are you gaining weight?

Part Two

This winter I purchased a new pea coat from Downeast Basics. It was a green coat. One day I wore the jacket with tan-ish brown pants. During second hour one of my students mentions that I look like someone. He can't quite figure out who but I look familiar for some reason. The hour passes and I forget about his comment. One minute until the bell rings, I tell the students to go ahead and pack up their stuff and he shouts out, "I got it Mrs. Fletcher! I know who you look like! You look just like Shaggy from Scooby Doo!" Laughter ensues. Students leave.
Needless to say, I don't wear that jacket and those pants anymore.


the Robinsons said...

i hated jr. high, sorry you have to go through it again. But you're beautiful and always look cute, so ignore them :)

Kristi said...

Don't let it get to you. You have such a great fashion style! I'm sure you looked cute. Roll with the punches and laugh it off. What matters is you keep smiling and stay happy!

MeL said...

I hate them for you. I will totally embarrass the crap out of them for you if you'd like, I don't know how, but what's worse than being embarrassed in Jr. High? Nothing. I'm on it, those little jerks.

Unknown said...

awww, laura! kids are so mean!!! you seriously are always cute and seems to consistantly lose weight so what the heck are they talking about? it should just be a reminder that kids dont have any fashion sense and are blinded by stupidity!

donkeybray said...

Laura, I don't know if this will help or not--besides the fact that you're adorable and kids that age think anyone over 18 is a dork--but one time Andrea was a substitute teacher for a class at Mesa Junior, and a girl made her cry. Hang in there, and if they still give you trouble, take Melissa up on her offer. That'll teach 'em. love, aunt dona

Tyler said...

Now that's comedy! poor Mrs Retcher.