Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Sorry about the previous post. I didn't mean it to sound like I was curled in the fetal position ready to take a razor blade to my wrists. I actually kind of think what my students say is hilarous.
Another example for your reading enjoyment...

Wednesday last week I woke up late and wasn't going to make it on time for the kids I tutor in the morning if I didn't literally put on clothes and walk out the door. So picture left over make up, hair in a pony tail me. Yeah gross. So needless to say my kids commented on how pretty I looked.

So Thursday rolls around...I actually get ready. No comments.

Friday. I get ready again. (which is normal by the way)
A student walks in second hour.

"Mrs. Fletcher, you are actually wearing make-up today"
"Yeah I was yesterday too didn't you notice?"
"Oh no, I didn't pay atttention to anyone yesterday."
Then a kid who has no shame in telling it like it is turns and says,
"Yeah, but it doesn't do a very good job of hiding your zits though does it?"
Apparently I = This Guy


Unknown said...

that is a nasty pic!!! haha i have never noticed a zit on your face in my life!! kids are seriously so dumb. lol.

Cluff Family said...

They say time heals all wounds, but that is a big, fat, lie when it comes to the cruelty of junior high. You deserve an award!

Erica said...

Oh junior high how I hated you. I want to come in and smack those kids for you.

In 7th grade I got my hair cut to look like Rachel from Friends. It looked nothing like Rachel from Friends because I was a awkward 7th grader. A cool girl told me my head looked like a mop.

Kapitan Ho said...

that pic is gonna give me a sleepless night!