Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My team funny homeless men

Devin saw a homeless man sign in Daytona Beach that said

"Things I need:
2. Cigs
3. Popcorn
4. Woman"



•stephanie• said...

oh, goodie! does that mean they're on MY team, too? i love popcorn. raise the roof.

thegreatestshowonearth said...

One time in Manhattan I took a piture with this homeless man who had a sign that said and I quote: I am not going to bullshit you. I need money for beer, drugs, and a hooker. 4:20.

Another homeless man once asked me for a drink of my pop and then a lap dance.

Proof that I am def on team homeless.

Byron Hotchkiss said...

Thats not Gary Busey in the DUI photo. Its Nick Nolte.