Saturday, November 20, 2010


So I finally found the charger to my camera but now can't find my camera. (That statement pretty much sums up my life. I am a master at losing things.) So you get cell phone pictures. Suri.
We went to the Gilbert Temple ground breaking last weekend and I felt like a pioneer. That may be because growing up we were only allowed to watch church movies on Sunday and so I pretty much have Mountain of the Lord memorized and when the choir sang "The Spirit of God" it brought back movie memories.
Anyway here are the important people digging in the earth.

The guy bent down low is Newell Barney. Former stake president of the original Gilbert stake (Newell Barney is orignial gangsta) and the most humble man you can meet. I met him. I am famous. And I work at his school. You must be cool if you have a school named after you.

We were super close to the whole thing because Lee went early to save us seats. It was pretty awesome.

They had golden shovels and I won a golden ticket. (Ok that second part isn't true. My last name is not Bucket. )

Annie loved life in the hot sun and felt sick but was a trooper and hung out with us the whole time.

Also we went to Harry Potter 7. I'm not gonna lie I was more entertained by this event. But that is because I am a bad person. It was awesome and I loved it. Emily sat next to me and apparently remembered none of the book because she was shocked at each new event in the movie.

In conclusion, our life is kinda boring but we like each other. The end.

1 comment:

Cluff Family said...

Hey, phone pictures and blogging is better than no blogging at all. I haven't seen any of you in awhile. I miss you. You never cease to entertain me.