Come on! -Gob
The following is a Public Service announcement paid for by Laura Jones Fletcher.
As much as I love my little car...

and it's licence plate cover...

I hate it.
I bought this lovely car NEW January of 2007.
So far it has already needed to go to the dealership THREE times to get things fixed on it.
1. My CD player stopped working. This resulted in me singing "That thing you do" every time Annie rode with me because she would get so ticked that it wasn't working. When I took it in the mechanic told me it was my fault and that one of my little kids must have stuck a quarter or other coin in through the CD slot because there is no reason for a CD player to just short out like it did. (apparently he assumed I had kids because Annie had left a green crayon in my cup holder and it had melted all over in it. It has since been cleaned out.)
2. My battery died about ten thousand times and so finally I took it in and they said the battery was already dead and wouldn't hold a charge.
3. Last night my engine light went on. What the heck! I've only had this car eleven months!
Conclusions drawn:
1. singing "that thing you do" ten times in a row makes me tired
2. melted crayon means that I am a mom of three kids
3. I will NEVER buy a kia again.
Now I know why they have ten year/100,000 mile warranties.

and it's licence plate cover...
I hate it.
I bought this lovely car NEW January of 2007.
So far it has already needed to go to the dealership THREE times to get things fixed on it.
1. My CD player stopped working. This resulted in me singing "That thing you do" every time Annie rode with me because she would get so ticked that it wasn't working. When I took it in the mechanic told me it was my fault and that one of my little kids must have stuck a quarter or other coin in through the CD slot because there is no reason for a CD player to just short out like it did. (apparently he assumed I had kids because Annie had left a green crayon in my cup holder and it had melted all over in it. It has since been cleaned out.)
2. My battery died about ten thousand times and so finally I took it in and they said the battery was already dead and wouldn't hold a charge.
3. Last night my engine light went on. What the heck! I've only had this car eleven months!
Conclusions drawn:
1. singing "that thing you do" ten times in a row makes me tired
2. melted crayon means that I am a mom of three kids
3. I will NEVER buy a kia again.
Now I know why they have ten year/100,000 mile warranties.
Hello, you are supposed to be cleaning your house so we can go to Hobby Lobby. No blogging allowed.
good thing you're bored and have time to take your car to the dealership, right? and should you decide to trade it in or something, you can always take your license plate holder with you.
um . . . not to be a stalker, but, i just witnessed in person the amazingness that is a christmas tree made completely of dry cleaning tags. i really doubted that anything could top your thanksgiving turkey, but, boy howdy, was i wrong. sheer genius. the bows? stop it now. just beautiful! congratulations, you've outdone yourself. in fairness, though, you should probably get to work on a menorah of some sort, or perhaps a dreidel.
hilary drives a kia and it sucks. maybe you should switch to my team and get a chevy. top model sounds wonderful. i will be cramming for my math final but if i end in time, i will be there.
Hey Laura! Can I say AMEN! We had a kia too - and it was a piece of crap! It was constantly in the shop. When it hit 65,000 miles, it needed a new transmission - among other things that I can't remember. I will NeVER buy a kia again! Good luck with yours! I think my 'Check engine" light was permanently on too!
I beg to differ. YOU CAN NEVER GET TIRED SINGING "THAT THING YOU DO." That song just makes me happy. Also, that whole movie makes me happy. Also, Tom Hanks makes me happy. While we're on the subject, Steve Zahn is on my team because he makes me happy, too. Wait, does this comment have anything at all to do with your blog? Merry Christmas.
devin steals steve zahn from you. p.s. I think its time I share the team game with the blogging world. Maybe tomorrow. I have some amazing pictures on my phone from all of the things I've put on morgan's team. I'll start with those.
good to know! sorry for the troubles... that's the worst!
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