Saturday, January 3, 2009

Oh earbug.

Today is Eden's FIFTH Birthday!

Here are the five reasons I love Eden...

1. She is such an amazing singer! All you have to do is sing a song once around her and she'll be humming it all day long and have the words memorized already. So you have to be really careful what you sing around her unless you want her to be singing, "Shake that A.."just kidding Amanda don't have a heart attack...that never happened.

2. She loves to perform for people. Whether it is in the play 1856 where she was an actress and singstress extrodinaire, just standing on our fireplace singing one of the songs she learned in her music group, or acting like a total ham at family dinner she is ALWAYS doing something to show off how much she knows and how amazing she is!

3. She is so SMART! Like I said, Eden can memorize anything. It was quite the sight to see her singing the FULL national anthem when we were watching the figure 8 car racing (yes we are white trash) at the fair. She had the whole thing memorized and was belting it. Everyone around us turned and just watched her sing because it was kind of incredible.

4. She loves to play and have fun with the Fletchers (a fantastic quality on my list). Eden comes to our house to spend the night on weekends and is so much fun to have. Whether it is watching Little Mermaid and singing and dancing to all of the songs or going out to eat and doing impressions of Devin she is a blast to have over!

5. She is the cutest girl! She was the first grandkid in our family so she will always be thought of as the cutest baby in the family and she totally was. She was so much fun to play with and take pictures of as a baby and her mom still always keeps her dressed up perfectly!

We LOVE you Earbug you can come play at our house ANYTIME!


The Fletchies said...


You realize, you are that guy: The person who has no kids, so you do blogposts about your nieces.


amanda p. said...

so Nice! And she is so lucky to have the best aunts in THE WORLD!!!! Seriously as we were driving home tonight I was thinking about how nice you guys are and how I am going to have years of paybacks to your kids! I love that we are close and can/will treat each other's kids like our own :) Love ya!