Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Who studies. Lame.

so ya my blog hasn't been very up to date lately I mean I didnt even blog about halloween even though it is my favorite holiday and devin and I placed in two different costume contests...
but in my defense apparently I do much better in school when I actually do my homework instead of blogging.

this is the first semester I have gotten straight A's at ASU*. Usually I get at least one B.
Hurray for being studious.

On the flip side I decided that I would have way rather put forth minimal effort most semesters and gotten a B then tried as hard as I did this semester every semester to get straight A's.
Way too much effort. I definitely like being mediocre much better.

* maybe one semester I got straight A's on my transcript with one W for withdrawn but really got an F in that class that I appealed and got removed off of my record. oopsies.


MeL said...

Holy crap you smart cousin! Way to be studious, which is soooo not my forte right now. C's get degrees...at least they do in the Lindblom house, so that's what we're shooting for. Good for you being an adult and prioritizing and whatnot.

Jenny Hogle said...

Yay laura! Maybe my sophmore year I got an "F" the first quarter in sophmore English. I was so busted that my parents didnt even talk about it. They basically ignored me. I got more crap for "C's" than my "F"

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Blah blah blah. You're amazing. C's get degrees too.