Monday, December 15, 2008

citrus fruit

Day after Thanksgiving we went to the Christmas Lights at the Temple.
They were amazing, per usual.

We even got to see Brooke White turn on the lights. I don't watch American Idol so I was not star struck. Just kinda bored.

Then we walked around the lights and Devin and I had a conversation that went something like this...

Devin: I'll give you a dollar if you steal an orange off of that tree.
Laura: Deal but its not an orange its a grapefruit.
Devin: Fine just get the "citrus fruit" and I''ll give you a dollar
Laura: Sweet. (picks fruit off tree)
Laura: Done and done. Where's my dollar?
Devin: Umm...I don't have one. I owe you.
I'll give you a dollar if your throw your orange at the protesters.
Laura: What? No. I didn't get the last dollar your promised and I told you its a grapefruit!
Devin: Laura it's a figure of speech. I wasn't really ever going to give you a dollar. Sorry Miss Citrus Expert.
Laura: Fine. I'll give you a dollar if you won't promise me a dollar again and then not give me one again. Seriously...figure of speech...what a let down.

See it was a grapefruit.

(oh and BTW devin dyed his hair black.)


granny said...

Just so you know, you weren't stealing because the temple likes people to use the fruit. Sorry about your dollar though. :)

angiedunn said...

i'm always telling myron i'll give him ten dollars to do things. [ie: change diapers, make me food, call my visiting teachers, etc.] and then i'm like "crap...your money is my money." so: i'm thinking about opening a separate bribe account. (:

you guys are cute, btw.