Tuesday, January 1, 2008

When the eff...

is perry bible fellowship going to put up a new comic? This one's been up for like a month.


Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Okay, maybe I'm an idiot, but I totally don't get that comic. At all.

The Fletchies said...

you have to click on the picture and enlarge it to see the whole thing. I was confused as well until dev showed me.

waoeifjaweo;fidlsfksn;lksndlfask said...

i miss hanging out with devin and laura
do you remember those days?
it's hard to cuz they were so long ago
but the point is
i'm moving to new zealand in february
i'll be gone til may
so let's hang out before feb 17 eh?
i love you guys

oh and laura, p.s.(in regards to you not getting the comic)


Brian, Lish, Lily, & Ruston said...

Laura! Hey how are you guys doing? We haven't talked in forever and we only live a mile away from you. My phone is broken thanks to Lily, but call me on Brian's and we can get together soon!