Tuesday, June 24, 2008


My cat loves to play in her box...

until she gets caught.

Go ahead call animal protective services on me.

But it was funny.

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Amazing Annie Jones

So Annie was really busy the last week in May and I never had time to blog about it so I just wanted to mention all of the things she's been doing.

First she had her recital with Higher Ground Studios where she is part of the Teen Jazz dance group.

I spent about four years trying to get her hair to poof for the rectial and then realized once we got to the recital that they meant a poof with the front part of your hair like your bangs part not overall poofy hair. I'm an idiot. But still she looked adorable with all her makeup on.

She did so great at the recital and posed perfectly before. She seriously loves to pose and thinks she's going to be america's next top model.

The next afternoon Annie had another recital with Higher Octave Music Therapy.
She sang "Gotta Go My Own Way" from High School Musical 2 and did a marvelous job.

That next Monday we were off to girls camp where I lovingly forced Annie to go on the third year hike. She was kind of really ticked at me for making her go. But she had a really good time and SHE MADE IT OUT ALIVE! She didn't even die once even though she told me over and over that "Come on, Laura! You're killing me!" and "I think I'm going to die!"

Hence her angry face.

That night she performed again in a dance group for the program.

Here she is freezing her booty off before going on stage. She's the one on the bottom left.
She did such an awesome job! She seriously kept me so busy with all of the things she was involved in!

It was FREEZING the first night at camp. That night she came and slept with me in the camping trailer and practically pushed me off my twin bed. But then we snuggled and tried to keep each other warm.

We had such a fun time at camp even during the more boring certifcation parts. Annie only told me once that she was sick of me (apparently I was getting too bossy) and the rest of the time she and I just had fun. During the skit for the ward she got to pretend to be Hannah Montana! It was pretty much her favorite part but it was too dark to get a picture. Sad face.

This is the "lake" at camp or marsh which is what it really was. It was about a foot deep. They were going to try and have the girls canoe until they realized they wouldn't go anywhere.

The girls we got to be with both young and the leaders were so awesome and we had such a good time with them. Thank you Sister Dixon for letting me go as a tent mom! I had a blast!


Annie you're a STAR!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

a new friend

We have a new friend at our house.

She's ickle and cute.

Devin finally gave in to letting me have her but only since he got to name her.

Meet Mitch Tupac the Cat Fletcher

Devin chose Mitch, I chose Tupac, but I call her Teeny.

Devin is still trying to make Mitch happen.

Devin, stop saying Mitch! Mitch isn't going to happen!

We stole her away from her friends and took her to our house.

But I take her over to my parents when I go every day so she can visit her brother Delia.

All of our cats are gender confused. The boy is name Delia the girl is name Mitch.

We dress her up in clothes.

I make her take pictures when she tries to drive my car on the way over to my parents house in the morning.

Pay attention to the road Teeny!

(and people wonder how you can total three cars. Wonder no more. )

She proabably hates us.

but cats dressed in clothes is always funny.

Like this book I had growing up....

Or this book...

I just couldn't let my mom leave the school book fair without taking this gem home. I didn't think it was funny. I thought it was adorable.

My new favorite website. Now you can browse for yourself.


Here's a sampling of what else they have...

ya pretty much all animals dressed in clothes is always funny

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Things That Should Not Be: Bros

"Your not my bro

Don't say it
Don't you pretend that you're my bro"


Hello friends, Devin again. After the overwhelmingly positive response I received after the Mustache rant, I decided to continue the trail of rage. You see, I like a lot of things and I hate a few things, but one of the things I hate is Bros.

Before I get hate mail from 50% of the human race, I must clarify. There is a distinction that must be made. I am not taking about Brothers; Brothas; or the city of Brothers, Oregon. I am talking white-hat wearing, Natty Ice swilling, roofies slipping, venereal disease spreading Bros (pronounced "broze"). For the uninformed, Bros are:

"Obnoxious partying [white] males who are often seen at college parties. When they aren’t making an a** of themselves they usually just stand around holding a red plastic cup waiting for something exciting to happen so they can scream something that demonstrates how much they enjoy partying. Nearly everyone in a fraternity is a bro but there are also many bros who are not in a fraternity. They often wear a rugby shirt and a baseball cap. It is not uncommon for them to have spiked hair with frosted tips. Bros actually chose this name for themselves as they often refer to each other as "bro" even though they are not related. " (Urbandictionary.com)

Bros can be easily identified by sporting one of the following:

-The angled cap

-Cheap Beer

-Bleached tipped hair


-Nearby Floozies

and the uniform of inebriated bros everywhere,

-No shirt.

Now you might be thinking, "Devin, I got drunk and had promiscuous relations in college, but I'm not a bro am I?" Yes, you are. Secondly, a Bro unknowingly emits a sort of douchey musk or pheremone or whatever you want to call it that attracts unintelligent drunk girls.

If you meet the previous requirements and were surrounded by these girls in college, hate to say it, you were probably a bro. I Gar-an-tee!

To avoid and eradicate these foes, you must unfortunately become aware of their terminology.

"Bro"- the co-opted phrase that started the terror. Before they stole the phrase, Bros were just known as jerks.

"Brah" a derivation of the original term, not endearing, exceedingly douche-y.

"Broseph" this phrase was cooked up after a long night of binge drinking and statutory rape.

"Woooooooooooo!!" translates to english as "Gee Fellas, this party sure is enjoyable, the beverages are at both the optimum temperature and alcholic content, and those ladies are most attractive. Perhaps they will remove clothing in exchange for inexpensive bead necklaces" (Now that I think about it, Mardi Gras is the modern version of the Indians getting screwed out of Manhattan.)

but the worst phrase of them all is . . . "supbrah"

Whenever I am at work and some tool greets me with a "Supbrah." I have to exercise an excessive amount of self control to keep from reaching into his chest and ripping out his heart a la "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom"

I had far too many conversations with bros that all went something like this:

Devin: Hey how's it going?
Bro: Supbrah.
Devin: ...
Bro: So, whatcha got for the weekend?(does not wait for answer) I got this party at my boy Mitchell's house, we're gonna have like two kegs. It's gonna be sweet. Prolly (sic) gonna have some chicks there from the (insert a sorority's Greek letters). You should totally come by. We're all going to get trashed bro.
Devin: ...

In a perfect world, I would disembowel this bro as an act of mercy to him and the moronic legions of bimbos he will undoubtedly impregnate, but realistically he will probably inherit a steady middle-management job at his father's company and die forty years later from liver failure (Natural Ice, you sly devil you.) and a stress-induced aneurysm from a combination of being unqualified for his job and the child support he is paying from knocking up a sorority girl all those years back.

If "Broseph" does not mention a party he is going to, he will undoubtedly mention the Bro-messiah, Dave Matthews. Dave Matthews probably deserves a post of his own. I have hated Dave Matthews since before I knew what a Bro was, but with their powers combined we, America, don't stand a chance. Dave Matthews provides the Bro with all the things he needs to sustain his Bro-hood: Laid back attitude, inane music, and an environment conducive to hookups. I will address things things in turn.
Dave Matthews does not feel obliged to follow the rules of the Circle Game

1. Laid back attitude- Dave Matthews doesn't wear shoes. This example coupled with the Bros proclivity for not wearing a shirt means a lot of unnecessary Bro nudity.
2. Inane music- His music sucks
3. Enviroment Conducive to Hookups- For as much as bros love Dave (and they only call him Dave, as in "Hey bro, you goin' to see Dave this October?", as though they are on a first name basis with a guy whose income exceeds the GDP of certain sovereign nations), the ladies love him more. Drunk ladies love him even more. Few things will get a woman in the sack faster than hearing this swooning crooner. Dave Matthews is a new form of roofies. Dave Matthews must be stopped.

Stop Dave Matthews and you will cripple the Bros. But they are a resilient breed. They will find a way to eke out a perverse existence. Bros have been a source of destruction for years. When our Lord was scourging the Pharaoh and his lot, he stopped one plague short of total destruction: The infestation of Bros. Sure, the Egyptians could take rivers of blood and fleas in their bed (and to a lesser extent, the loss of their firstborn sons), but do you think they would have chased the chosen children in chariots if they would have had to endure millions of drunk college guys with collars popped, hi-fiving and pledging Beta Kappa Phi at the University of Thebes? It almost goes without saying that the Pharaoh would crack after one semester of being greeted with "Hey Bro!" and "Hey Broseph" and, eventually, "Hey Broseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat!" But the Egyptians were God's children too and there are punishments worse than death, so he spared them the horror.

As with mustaches, there are counterexamples to the bro policy.

Exception 1. Super Mario Bros.

Even then it's an abbreviation pronounced "Brothers"

Exception 2. A man may address another man as "Bro"/"Brah" IFF he is a native Hawaiian in Hawaii at, or in transit to (but never from), the beach for surfing or luau purposes.

If you are not roasting a pig on a spit on Oahu, you can't call me Bro.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Congrats Rachie!

Today is Rachel and Chad's big day and I am so excited for them!

For those of you that don't know Rachel that well she is one of the sweetest girls in the world. So she deserves a great guy and she totally found one.

I just have to say that Rachel was always a friend to me when I needed one. I think I spent every Sunday night at her house from like the day they moved next door to us until I was 16. I'm more than sure that I was really annoying the majority of the time but she put up with me and always made me feel welcome.

Thanks so much for being so nice when you were a senior and I was a sophomore. I pretty much didn't have any friends at all and you took me to lunch everyday with your fun group of girl friends and never made me feel like the annoying younger cousin that I was. You pretty much made that year bearable for me and I am so grateful for it.

I hope you have the most perfect wedding day ever!


Monday, June 2, 2008

Forgive me Angie for I have sinned.

So I've decided to get back on the bandwagon with these fun girls.

Let's just say it got rainy and I kinda slipped off the wagon.
Well actually it was kinda a little bit before that...maybe lets say day two?
Or maybe I never really got on.

But never mind that. A week or two ago a little rain called for some major slippage in the direction of Superstition Boulevard if you catch my drift.

My ambrosia has returned.

Can anyone else hear the hallelujah chorus when they see this lovely sight? or is that just me?

Seriously we've got problems when there is a panda express and a krispy kreme within five miles of my house. If my mom taught me anything it was how to appreciate a good box of donuts.
Here I am about to go into a diabetic coma.

Emily wants to eat it in one huge bite.

Annie already had the glass of milk ready and waiting. Smart girl. Her comment on the way home from the store was "MMMMMMMM(drooling) DONUTS..." Said in a homer-esque voice. She's my favorite.

And us Jones girls know how to eat them in a goodly amount of time.
Our lovely box of donuts didn't even make it to the house before we had each had one.
We left around 5:40 PM and got home around 6:00 PM. Thisincluded going to krispy kreme coming back and taking a donut to Julia when she was at vista. Don't you worry she did a heel click on the way back into Vista Cleaners.

By 6:10 The box was empty.

Needless to say I have indulged. Angie I hope you'll forgive me but I promise I am on with ya'll for the next five weeks or whatever is left. I'm in like Flynn. I should be okay as long as Disneyland doesn't set up camp in Mesa and start giving away free churros. Then I would have a major problem.

But so far this week I've been doing great. My friend even brought over a box of Krispy Kreme claiming they are healthy and I haven't given in. That little temptress.

***More posts to come on Miss Annie and I's recent adventures at girls camp and all of the recitals she's had lately. Here are the decorations I made for camp.

We were very green to say the least.***