Monday, May 19, 2008

2 years later

Happy Anniversary to US!!!

Okay so maybe I've put on a little weight since the blissful event.
But now I'm just more fun becuase fat people are more fun right?

(We both looked about five when we got engaged.)

Anyway, Devin is keeping what we are doing tonight a secret so I'll fill in y'all tomorrow on what we do and take lots of pictures.


Alisse Baldwin said...

I tried to keep my anniversary post positive, but I really wanted to change the title from "a love story" to "a photo documentation of several pounds being gained in the past 3 years." I think we looked so young, too!

You guys are cute. Happy anniversary!

waoeifjaweo;fidlsfksn;lksndlfask said...

happy anny. i need numbers. i got home and i don't have a cell so i lost numbers. let's hang soon. also, i thought you guys would like this.

CF Is Not Forever said...

Happy anniversary!

Anonymous said...

awh... happy anniversary!

katelines photography. said...

oh i know i know! (he spilt the beans at work yesterday)

happy 2 year fletchies.

laura- devin keeps me sane and work with his funny emails.
devin- keep sending emails.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Whoa, you look like a fetus in your engagement pictures. p.s. I like fat Laura better. Who else would go to the movies and eat popcorn for breakfast with me?