Wednesday, August 22, 2007

ALOT of post

Happy Birthday Surrogate Husband!

So now that you all are creeped out that I have a surrogate husband slash talk about him A LOT on my blog. I am first going to reassure you that we are not in love. He is just devin's best friend so we see him A LOT. I am second going to tell you about his birthday week and party and post about him yet again.

So we went up to his cabin that is like right before Christopher Creek and played two weekends ago. It was a ball.

We played cards A LOT.

Then we sat by the camp fire and ate, played guitar, and talked A LOT.

Per usual, Devin made creepy camera faces A LOT. But apparently I did too. Hence our inability to ever have good pictures.

Feww finally a semi okay one. Still our faces, kinda creepy.

And we had ALOT of fun.

Then we came home and had a real birthday celebration on Darson's real birthday.

Devin made a sign for the occasion. August 13th is our favorite person's birthday!

When we first got married I tried to keep a calendar on our fridge of what we had to do. So I made these dry erase markers with magnets on the back that stick to our fridge. Needless to say (this an example of my inconsitancy) it didn't last very long and now those markers are for decorating the fridge and leaving notes etc.

In order to get a good picture of Darson blowing out the candles we made him do it A LOT of times.

Then we ate A LOT of chocolate cake and played cards again. Yay for originality.

The end.


HooHoo said...

Oh how I love you Laur Laur! You have such depth. You have good friends because you are a good friend. I also love your new side post, because your friend Alexander the Gerbster is one of my very favorite boys.

angiedunn said...

i need to take cute hair accessory lessons from you, my dear. you have such cute hair 24/7, what products do you use? can i be a fly on your wall? devin wouldn't mind would he?

amanda p. said...

so your background or whatever it is called on your blog is extreme attractivo. Way to post more often than I randomly do :) I wish you were going to be around this weekend cause I want the fletchies to go to the lake and G MA B's long a party! boo.

Todd and Andrea said...

About Darson. You know I have two single daughters ...