Friday, July 27, 2007

Zombies ate my neighbors!

So, this is Devin. This is my first post since I said that Laura and I are a lot cooler than the rest of the family. I am dying at work today. I was grappling with my enrollment counselors over whether or not I should let students into class. But now, the tides of fate have changed in my favor. Darson, while walking into the bathroom at work, was handed 6 or 7 pages (pp.80-86) of a science fiction/horror movie screenplay. It is about zombies. It is poorly written. We love it.

Here are some of our favorite lines:

"Carl, No! We might need the bullets!!"

and also,

"Holy Fu**! they aren't delivering supplies! They're delivering zombies!"

and who could forget...

"The zombies foot was tagged with a government secret intelligence agency logo"

Maybe the best six pages of screenplay ever. Nuts to you, Braveheart. Annie Hall, Not even close. Unfortuantely, we don't know the title. The author skeedaddled off right after he handed the pages to Darson, so we don't know who he is or what he even looks like. So we are holding a contest for the best title. Please submit your best ideas muy pronto.

Hugs and kisses and braaaaaiins,


The Fletchies said...

brains? why brains? you should post more at work. I do all the work on this blog. ps will you bring that screen play home? I think we should reenact it at amber's birthday tonight for her present. way better than the headbands i was going to give her.

Erica said...

lol this is amazing, and kind of like The Office, when they find Michael's horrible screen play. For the title, I vote "Government Secret Intelligence Agency Logo Zombies"