Monday, June 18, 2007

The Lecture

Just a short post about the awesome "lecture" I heard the other day while swimming.
Dad: If you want to be a champion swimmer you must swim harder, you must swim faster, you must swim better.
Girl (about 7): okay
Dad: You must get it into your head that you want to be a champion. Otherwise you will always lose. Do you want to lose?
Girl: No...
Dad: Then go home and write on a piece of paper how you will do better. And stop swimming like a loser.
Girl: okay

Poor Asian kids. All their parents want them to be amazing at everything they do.

* I realize this is a gross generalization and that I am only furthering the stereotype. Shame on me.


thegreatestshowonearth said...

I really enjoyed your asian comment. Although it is a terrible stereo type- it is generally true.

Leah Fitts said...

hey laura!!! you look like you are doing great! thanks for the info about your brother and yes troy is on the list at the temple. he is doing great... if you every want to check his blog out his link is on mine... its so good to hear from you and keep me updated... oh and your mom... all i can say is wow an amazing woman!

Alisse Baldwin said...

Nice cover up. We all know "Dad" is you and "Asian Girl-age 7" is a alias for Annie. You really shouldn't keep messing with her.

MeL said...

I gave myself this lecture tonight and it hurts a little bit. That poor poor little Asian girl.

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Okay, Alisse, I don't even know you much, but that comment was hilarious.

Sara! said...

Emily, START A BLOG! I know about Julia's digital camera, so there's NO EXCUSE! (Sorry to sound angry, and sorry to hijack your blog Laura.)

Emily, Julia, and Annie said...

Tina, must we only correspond through blogs now? I called you like fifty times and you didn't answer.

p.s. Don't give the kittens milk. It gives them mad diarrhea. Thanks for that one.